Animals that must hunt and kill for at least part of their living are inherently interesting to many people and the role that carnivores play in biological communities attract interest from ecologists and conservation biologists. Conflicts with human activities stimulate continual debates about the management of carnivore populations, and throughout the world people seek workable solutions for human/carnivore coexistence.
This concise yet authoritative handbook describes research methods and techniques for the study and conservation of all terrestrial carnivore species. Particular attention is paid to techniques for managing the human/carnivore interface. Descriptions of the latest methodologies are supported by references to case studies, whilst dedicated boxes are used to illustrate how a technique is applied to a specific land cover type, species, or particular socio-economic context. The book describes the most recent advances in modelling the patterns of animal distributions, movements, and use of land cover types, as well as including the most efficient methods to trap, handle, and mark carnivores.
Carnivores are biogeographically diverse and whilst extensive scientific research has investigated many aspects of carnivore biology, not all species have been equally covered. This book is unique in its intention to provide practical guidance for carrying out research and conservation of carnivores across all species and areas of the world.
L. David Mech: Foreword
1: Luigi Boitani and Roger A. Powell: Introduction: research and conservation of carnivores
2: Luigi Boitani, Paolo Ciucci, and Alessio Mortelliti: Designing carnivore surveys
3: Carlo Rondinini and Luigi Boitani: Mind the map: trips and pitfalls in making and reading maps of carnivore distribution
4: Marcella J. Kelly, Julie Betsch, Claudia Wultsch, Bernardo Mesa, and L. Scott Mills: Non-invasive sampling for carnivores
5: Gilbert Proulx, Marc R. L. Cattet, and Roger A. Powell: Humane and efficient capture and handling methods for carnivores
6: Kerry R. Foresman: Carnivores in hand
7: Mark R. Fuller and Todd K. Fuller: Radio telemetry equipment and applications for carnivores
8: Ken H. Pollock, James D. Nichols, and K. Ullas Karanth: Estimating demographic parameters
9: Roger A. Powell: Movements, home ranges, activity, and dispersal
10: Michael S. Mitchell and Mark Hebblewhite: Carnivore habitat ecology: integrating theory and application
11: Erlend B. Nilsen, David Christianson, Jean-Michel Gaillard, Duncan Halley, John D.C. Linnell, Morten Odden, Manuela Panzacchi, Carole Toigo, and Barbara Zimmermann: Describing food habits and predation: field methods and statistical considerations
12: Cheryl S. Asa: Reproductive biology and endocrine studies
13: Greta M. Wengert, Mourad W. Gabriel, and Deana L. Clifford: Investigating cause-specific mortality and diseases in carnivores: tools and techniques
14: John D. C. Linnell, John Odden, and Annette Mertens: Mitigation methods for conflicts associated with carnivore depredation on livestock
15: Michael K. Stoskopf: Carnivore restoration
16: Eric M. Gese, Hilary S. Cooley, and Frederick F. Knowlton: Designing a monitoring plan
17: Urs Breitenmoser, Christine Breitenmoser-Würsten, and Luigi Boitani: Assessing conservation status and units for conservation
Luigi Boitani is Professor of Animal Ecology and Conservation Biology at the University of Rome, Dept. of Biology and Biotechnologies, and Affiliated Professor at the Department of Natural Resources, Idaho University, Moscow, USA. He is the current (2009-2011) President of the Society for Conservation Biology. His main scientific interests are on a) the social ecology of carnivores, particularly wolves and bears on which he has been working since 1972; b) patterns and models of species distributions based on GIS tools; and c) conservation planning theory applied to species and protected areas, with emphasis on the African and European continents. He has served as member of the IUCN's Species Survival Commission since 1973 and as member of its Steering Committee since 1994. He is also the Chair of the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe, a SSC Specialist Group which is a regular consultant to the European Union. He is author of more than 260 scientific papers, 9 books and 80 technical reports.
Roger Powell is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Biology, North Carolina State University, and in the interdepartmental program for Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation. He is also an Affiliate Professor in the Wildlife Biology Program at the University of Montana and a frequent instructor at the Wilderness Field Station of Coe College. Over the past 30 years, his research has emphasized how limiting resources affect animals, especially predatory mammals. His research has led to diverse applications through state wildlife agencies, the USDA Forest Service, the US Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service. He has written or co-written three books (one in two editions), edited one book and five special sections for journals, and written over 75 peer-reviewed papers since 1972.