Describes and illustrates all the British and European species of salamanders, frogs and tree frogs, toads, tortoises, turtles, and terrapins, geckoes, agamas, lizards, and chameleons, slow worms, skinks, amphibians and the 25 species of snake. Every species and distinct subspecies is described in detail, with notes on range, size, colour and markings, diagnostic characters, habitat, behaviour and, in the case of venomous snakes, the type and virulence of its poison. A section deals with the identification of the eggs and tadpoles of frogs, toads, newts and salamanders. The whole of mainland Europe is covered, as well as the Mediterranean islands. The 49 colour plates are new and the text has been updated to include all recent research.
Please note that this is the 2004 reprint of the second edition, which has minor corrections.
"it is undoubtedly the best guide available on the market"
- The London Naturalist