Please note: this software was written and designed before 64-bit operating systems (OS) were introduced. If you are running a 64-bit OS, such as a 64-bit version of Windows Vista or Windows 7, this software may not function. Please note that suppliers do not accept returns of sealed software that has been opened, and NHBS can therefore not refund such items. If in doubt, please contact customer services or the software supplier to enquire after compatibility before purchasing this item.
This remarkable work contains some 100,000 names of 450 species of birds in 40 Indo-European languages. Besides bird denominations, thousands of names of things and colors have been assembled in categories of morphological, acoustic, chromatic or kinetic value. From the Atlantic to India, dialectal names are listed with indication of their localities. As well as ornithologists, this work will be of interest to linguists and dialectologists. The CD-ROM allows word searches.