This programme forms the most complete record ever made of the life of a family of wild badgers. Secretive and nocturnal by nature, they are notoriously difficult to watch throughout the year, let alone to film. However, this DVD, which required over 1 000 hours behind the camera, includes behaviour dramatic and beautiful, filmed throughout their season with action seldom previously seen and never before recorded. As an aid to understanding the way of life of one of our more elusive and attractive mammals this makes compulsive viewing.
Watch a trailer below:
"Now I know a lot more about them – a truly magical video."
- Professor David Bellamy
"If you have the slightest interest in badgers, you will be fascinated by this programme."
- Rosamund Kidman Cox – editor BBC Wildlife magazine
"The definitive film guide to the badger. Enjoy its images, learn from its comprehensive coverage of behaviour and ecology. Beautifully shot, it tells an extraordinary tale set at the superb New Forest Badger Watch."
- Chris Packham