Celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2014, the Ecological Society of America (ESA) is currently the largest professional society devoted to the science of ecology. Divided into seven chapters, A Centennial History of the Ecological Society of America is an institutional history of the ESA. Beginning with the Society's inception, it describes the difficulties faced early on and ways in which it expanded. It describes important initiatives such as the International Biological Program, the Long Term Ecological Research programs, and establishing new journals, as well as recent programs including the National Ecological Observation Network.
- 1914-29. Beginnings
- 1930-44. Challenge 20
- 1945-59. Expansion 24
- 1960-74. IBP, Etc. 27
- 1975-89, LTER. Theoretical Ecology. Awards. Certification 23
- 1990-2004. New Journals. SBI. Etc. 31
- 2005-2015. Sustainable Biosphere. NEON 32
- EcoSketches. Conclusions. Appendices