Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
This book with images of land snails contains brief texts that will be a big help to shellfish enthusiasts. Based on years of practical field experience the author prepared this comprehensive guide to land snails. Practical information is included on how to observe, collected and store specimens of land snails. The text is easy to understand, and the pictures and descriptions will help readers with preliminary identification, thus icreasing the enjoyment and efficiency of field observations. This guide is well suited for entry-level shellfish lovers to help with species identification and as a field reference.
Summary in Chinese:
本 书以陆生贝类图片及简短的文字介绍陆生软体动物,对爱好研究陆生贝类的读者会有比较大的帮助。本书作者根据自己多年的野外实践经验,以我国陆贝爱好者在野 外能经常发现的蜗牛和蛞蝓为基础,精心编写了这本实用型、综合性的陆生贝类图鉴。同时详细介绍了如何观察陆贝、收藏与保管陆贝标本等的实践方法。文字通俗 易懂,以便陆贝爱好者能够参照图片和描述对所观察的标本作出初步的鉴定,并以此增加野外观察蜗牛和蛞蝓的乐趣和效率。是一本非常适合陆贝爱好者入门、物种 鉴定和野外参考的工具书。