The most recent volume of this series, Advances in Ecological Research, demonstrates a captivating knowledge of recent advances in the analysis of food webs. A food web describes the network of predator-prey interactions within a community. The simplest description of a food web specifies only who eats whom (a connectance web), with no indication of how much or how often. Chapters in Food Webs: From Connectivity to Energetics begin with a discussion of the most detailed connectance webs ever compiled, and advance to incorporate information on the body size and numerical abundance of the species. The results yield new ways of describing food webs and powerful new models for estimating patterns of energy flow in ecosystems.
- Food webs, body size and species abundance in ecological community description
- Quantification and resolution of a complex, size-structured food web
- Estimating relative energy fluxes using the food web, species abundance, and body size