The latest release in the Advances in Ecological Research series includes specific chapters that cover mechanistic links between biodiversity and ecosystem function.
Preface - Mechanistic links between biodiversity and ecosystem function / Nico Eisenhauer
1. A multitrophic, eco-evolutionary perspective on biodiversity–ecosystem functioning research /Nico Eisenhauer
2. Soil history determines plant diversity effects on ecosystem functioning – a new experimental approach / Anja Vogel
3. Terrestrial laser scanning reveals temporal changes in biodiversity mechanisms driving grassland productivity / Claudia Guimarães-Steinicke
4. Linking species coexistence to ecosystem functioning - a conceptual framework from ecological first principles / Kathryn E. Barry
5. Species contributions to above and belowground biodiversity effects in the Trait-Based Experiment / Liesje Mommer
6. Plant diversity effects on element cycling / Markus Lange
7. Plant diversity effects on consumer community structure, stability, and ecosystem function / Jessica Hines
8. Plant community assembly and the consequences for ecosystem function / Anja Vogel
9. Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of real world ecosystems / Peter Manning
10. The database in the Jena Experiment / Birgitta König-Ries
11. Plant functional trait identity and diversity effects on soil meso- and macrofauna in experimental grassland / Remy Beugnon