Originally published in 1964, this volume summarizes the results of diverse research on Pleistocene environments and the cultural and biological evolution of man in Africa. The book includes chapters on Pleistocene stratigraphy and climatic changes throughout the African continent; on the ecology, biology and sociology of African primate and human populations.
1. Karl W. Butzer, Climatic-Geomorphologic Interpretation of Pleistocene Sediments in the Eurafrican Subtropics 2. R.E. Moreau, The Distribution of Tropical African Birds as an Indicator of Past Climatic Changes 3. F. Bourliere, Observations on the Ecology of Some Large African Mammals 4. C. Arambourg, Continental Vertebrate Faunas of the Tertiary of North Africa 5. H.B.S. Cooke, Pleistocene Mammal Faunas of Africa, with Particular Reference to Southern Africa 6. T Monod, The Late Tertiary and Pleistocene in the Sahara and Adjacent Southerly Regions 7. A.T. Grove and R.A. Pullan, Some Aspects of the Pleistocene Paleogeography of the Chad Basin 8. W.W. Bishop, The Later Tertiary and Pleistocene in Eastern Equatorial Africa 9. J. de Heinzelin, Paleoecological Conditions of the Lake Albert-Lake Edward Rift 10. J. de Heinzelin, Observations on the Absolute Chronology of the Upper Pleistocene 11. L. Liben, Brief Remarks on the Vegetation of the Mountainous Regions of East Congo 12. Geoffrey Bond, Pleistocene Environments in Southern Africa 13. Irven DeVore and S.L. Washburn, Baboon Ecology and Human Evolution 14. George B. Schaller and John T. Emlen, Observations on the Ecology and Social Behavior of the Mountain Gorilla 15. J.T. Robinson, Adaptive Radiation in the Australopithecines and the Origin of Man 16. P. Biberson, Human Evolution in Morocco, in the Framework of the Paleoclimatic Variations of the Atlantic Pleistocene 17. L.S.B. Leakey, Very Early East African Hominidai, and Their Ecological Setting 18. F. Clark Howell and J. Desmond Clark, Acheulian Hunter-Gatherers of Sub-Saharan Africa 19. J. Hiernaux, Some Ecological Factors Effecting Human Populations in Sub-Saharan Africa Transcript of Discussions
F. Clark Howell is professor emeritus of paleoanthropology at the University of California, Berkeley where he is co-director of the Laboratory of Human Studies. He is also curator at The University of California Museum of Paleontology. Francois Bourliere (1913-1993) was professor of physiology at the University of Paris. He is also credited with founding the Gerontology Research Unit of Institute of Health and Medical Research and was a member of Paris hospitals.