First published in 1988, African Environments and Resources provides a comprehensive picture of the range of physical environments in Africa, focusing upon those characteristics and issues central to the management of environmental resources. Beginning with an overview of the geographical and environmental history of Africa, the authors also provide to the evolution of the management of resources and then details a broadly defined ecosystem approach, in which major environmental resource issues are identified and addressed in the tropical rainforest, the Savannah dry-forest, the arid and semi-arid areas, the highlands, and the extra-tropical zones of Northern and Southern Africa. African Environments and Resources is designed to contribute to a better understanding of African environmental and resource-management problems and this reissue should be welcomed by students of Africa and of environmental resource management problems in general.
1. African Environments and resources: An Overview
2. The African Environment: An Historical Overview
3. The Patterns of Political Change: Relationship to the Environment
4. Tropical Rainforest Environments
5. The Dry Areas
6. The Savanna and Dry-forest Environments
7. The Highlands
8. Extratropical and Southern Africa
9. Water: A Scarce Resource
10. Urban and Industrial Growth
11. Minerals, industry and the Environment
12. Environment and Development in Africa: A Review and Prospect