Language: Italian
Alghe e Fanerogame del Mediterraneo introduces the reader to the fascinating group of macroalgae and seagrass, that thrive in the western Mediterranean. The guide contains a comprehensive introduction to the biology and ecology of marine macrophytes and extensive descriptions for a total of 356 taxa, including 85 brown algae, 208 red algae, 57 green algae, and 6 seagrass species. The work is profusely illustrated and includes more than 1500 photographs, and some drawings in the introduction.
Originally published in Spanish in 2010 as Guía de las Macroalgas y Fanerógamas de Mediterráneo Occidental.
Summary in Italian:
Una guida per scoprire che organismi usualmente poco o per nulla considerati da chi visita i fondali marini offrono spettacoli di forme e colori. Oltre 1500 fotografie di oltre 350 specie diverse, su un totale di oltre 1240 specie presenti nel Mediterraneo.