This 24-chapter book is aimed to serve as a text for college students and others desiring a comprehensive introduction to the biology, care, and production of domestic animals and freshwater fish raised to provide food, as well as companionship and recreation for billions of humans around the globe.
1 Animal Agriculture
2 Breeds and Life Cycles of Livestock and Poultry
3 Animal Products
4 Companion Animals
5 Horses
6 Aquaculture
7 State of Being of Domestic Animals
8 Fundamental Principles of Genetics
9 Principles of Selecting and Mating Farm Animals
10 Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals
11 The Application of Endocrinology to Selected Animals and Humans
12 The Physiology of Growth and Senescence
13 Anatomy and Physiology of Reproduction and Related Technologies in Farm Mammals
14 Artificial Insemination
15 Physiology of Lactation
16 Physiology of Egg Laying
17 Ecology and Environmental Physiology
18 Principles of Nutrition: Plant and Animal Composition
19 The Physiology of Digestion in Nutrition
20 The Nutritional Application of Vitamins to Human and Animal Health
21 The Nutritional Contributions of Minerals to Humans and Animals
22 Animal Disease and the Health of Humans
23 Selected Insects and Parasites of Significance to Humans and Animals
24 Ethology and Animal Behavior
Appendix A: Common Terms or Names Applied to Selected Farm Animals
Appendix B: Convenient Conversion Data
Appendix C: Tables of Weights and Measures
Appendix D: Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations in the United States and Its Territories
Appendix E: Alphabetical List of Elements and Symbols