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Animals of India: Mammals

World / Checklist Flora / Fauna
Series: Animals of India series Volume: 1
By: JRB Alfred(Author), Asok Kumar Das(Author), Asok Kanti Sanyal(Author)
238 pages, colour photos, tables
Animals of India: Mammals
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  • Animals of India: Mammals ISBN: 9788181710949 Hardback Dec 2006 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-4 weeks
Price: £90.50
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About this book

Indian mammals comprise 401 species under 180 genera, 45 families and 13 orders, including 45 endemic species.

With the present book, which is the first part in the "Animals of India" series, the Zoological Survey of India attempts to deal with all the mammal species found in India. The book contains a comprehensive checklist, colour photos, descriptions, notes on distribution and conservation status.


Introduction: 1. Mammals. 2. Indian mammals. 3. List of Indian mammals. 4. List of endemic Indian mammals. Order Insectivora: Family: 1. Erinaceidae: Hedgehogs. 2. Soricidae: Shrews. 3. Talpidae: Moles. Order Scandentia: 1. Family Tupaiidae: tree shrews. Order Chiroptera: Family: 1. Pteropodidae: fruit bats, flying foxes. 2. Rhinopomatidae: mouse-tailed bats. 3. Emballonuridae: Tomb bats. 4. Megadermatidae: false vampires. 5. Rhinolophidae: Horse-shoe bats. 6. Hipposideridae: leaf-nosed bat. 7. Vespertilionidae: evening bats. 8. Molossidae: free-tailed bats. Order Primates: Family: 1. Loridae: loris. 2. Cercopithecidae: monkey. 3. Hylobatidae: ape. Order Carnivora: Family: 1. Canidae: wild dogs; jackal, fox, wolf. 2. Hyaenidae: hyaena. 3. Felidae: cats. 4. Viverridae: civets and binturong. 5. Herpestidae: mongooses. 6. Mustelidae: otters, badgers, martens, wealsels. 7. Ursidae: bears and panda. Order Cetacea: 1. Family Balaenopteridae: rorquals. 2. Balaenidae: right whales. 3. Platanistidae: river dolphins. 4. Delphinidae: dolphins and whales. 5. Phocoenidae: Porpoises. 6. Physeteridae: sperm whales. 7. Ziphiidae: beaked whales. Order Sirenia: sea-cow or dugong. Order Proboscidea: elephants. Order Perissodactyla: Family: 1. Equidae: asses. 2. Rhinocerotidae: rhinoceros. Order Artiodactyla: 1. Bovidae: cattle, sheep, goat, antelope. 2. Cervidae: deer. 3. Moschidae: musk deer. 4. Tragulidae: mouse deer. 5. Suidae: pigs. Order Pholidota: pangolins. Order Rodentia: Family: 1. Sciuridae: squirrels and marmots. 2. Muridae: rats, mice, voles, hamsters, dormice, gerbils, bamboo rats. 3. Dipodidae: Birch mice. 4. Histricidae: porcupines. Order Lagomorpha: Family: 1. Ochotonidae: Pikas. 2. Leoporidae: hares and rabbits. Selected references. Index: 1. Scientific names. 2. Common names.

Customer Reviews

World / Checklist Flora / Fauna
Series: Animals of India series Volume: 1
By: JRB Alfred(Author), Asok Kumar Das(Author), Asok Kanti Sanyal(Author)
238 pages, colour photos, tables
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