This second edition of Garrett E. Crow and C. Barre Hellquist's widely acclaimed work, now republished to fit in a single volume, provides the most comprehensive and illustrated guide to the native and naturalized vascular plants – ferns, conifers, and flowering plants – growing in aquatic and wetland habitats in northeastern North America, from Newfoundland west to Minnesota and south to Virginia and Missouri. The first edition, published in 2000, completely revised and greatly expanded Norman Fassett's 1940 classic A Manual of Aquatic Plants, retaining the features that made his book so useful. Since the first edition was published, many changes have occurred in the world of botany – in both taxonomy and nomenclature – especially thanks to the widespread application of molecular techniques in research. This second edition brings the information up to date and adds numerous species, all in a single user-friendly volume.
Features include:
- coverage of 1,219 plant species, 1,259 taxa, 325 genera, and 112 families
- 633 pages of illustrations, covering 88 percent of the taxa
- keys that include figure numbers corresponding to drawings to facilitate identification
- emphasis on vegetative characteristics as well as flowering and fruiting features habitat information, geographical ranges, and synonymy
- a chapter on nuisance aquatic weeds
- glossaries of botanical and habitat terms
- a full index to scientific and common names
Wetland ecologists, botanists, resource managers, students of environmental sciences, lake association managers, public naturalists, and environmentalists concerned with the preservation of increasingly threatened wetland areas will welcome this updated, clear, workable, and comprehensive guide.
Map of geographical area
Nuisance Aquatic Plants of the Northeast
General Keys to Families
- Lycopodiaceae
- Isoetaceae
- Selaginellaceae
- Equisetaceae
- Osmundaceae
- Schizaeaceae
- Salviniaceae
- Marsileaceae
- Onocleaceae
- Blechnaceae
- Thelypteridaceae
- Dryopteridaceae
- Pinaceae
- Cupressaceae
ANGIOSPERMS (Flowering Plants)
Primitive Angiosperms
- Cabombaceae
- Nymphaeaceae
- Magnoliaceae
- Lauraceae
- Sauraraceae
- Acoraceae
- Araceae (including Lemnaceae)
- Tofieldiaceae
- Hydrocharitaceae
- Butomaceae
- Alismataceae
- Scheuchzeriaceae
- Juncaginaceae
- Ruppiaceae
- Zosteraceae
- Potamogetonaceae
- Nartheciaceae
- Burmanniaceae
- Melanthiaceae
- Orchidaceae
- Iridaceae
- Asparagaceae
- Typhaceae
- Xyridaceae
- Eriocaulaceae
- Juncaceae
- Cyperaceae
- Poaceae
- Haemodoraceae
- Pontederiaceae
- Marantaceae
- Ceratophyllaceae
- Ranunculaceae
- Platanaceae
- Nelumbonaceae
- Crassulaceae
- Penthoraceae
- Haloragaceae
- Saxifragaceae
- Celastraceae
- Hypericaceae
- Podostemaceae
- Elatinaceae
- Violaceae
- Salicaceae
- Fabaceae
- Rosaceae
- Rhamnaceae
- Ulmaceae
- Cannabaceae
- Urticaceae
- Fagaceae
- Betulaceae
- Myricaceae
- Onagraceae
- Lythraceae
- Melastomataceae
- Anacardiaceae
- Sapindaceae
- Malvaceae
- Brassicaceae
- Droseraceae
- Polygonaceae
- Plumbaginaceae
- Amaranthaceae
- Nyssaceae
- Cornaceae
- Balsaminaceae
- Polemoniaceae
- Primulaceae
- Sarraceniaceae
- Clethraceae
- Ericaceae
- Rubiaceae
- Loganiaceae
- Gentianaceae
- Apocynaceae
- Hydrolaeaceae
- Solanaceae
- Boraginaceae
- Oleaceae
- Plantaginaceae
- Scrophulariaceae
- Linderniaceae
- Acanthaceae
- Lentibulariaceae
- Verbenaceae
- Lamiaceae
- Phrymaceae
- Orobanchaceae
- Aquifoliaceae
- Campanulaceae
- Menyanthaceae
- Asteraceae
- Araliaceae
- Apiaceae
- Caprifoliaceae
- Viburnaceae
Glossary of Plant Terms
Glossary of Habitat Terms
Garrett E. Crow is professor of botany at the University of New Hampshire. C. Barre Hellquist is professor of biology at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts.
"An indispensable reference to wetland plants of the most aquatically diverse part of the continent, with a variety of natural habitats, including the entire Great Lakes watershed. The field experience of both of these aquatic botanists, especially in the Northeast, is immense, so the benefits of having all of this knowledge captured in this newly updated edition cannot be overstated."
– John H. Wiersema, Smithsonian Institution
"A timely and useful resource. It is great to see this second edition reformatted to one volume and updated with newly documented taxa, organized clearly and efficiently by coauthors with comprehensive knowledge. An invaluable tool for proper aquatic and wetland plant identification in the region."
– Amy Smagula, Limnologist and Exotic Species Program Coordinator, New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
"A boon to aquatic plant biologists and natural resource managers. Crow and Hellquist's work incorporates changes in taxonomy over the last several decades, bringing clarity to the ever-changing state of genetic identification. A current summary of Northeast invasive plants puts the threats in perspective. Bravo!"
– John McPhedran, Biologist in the Invasive Aquatic Species Program, Maine Department of Environmental Protection