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About this book
This unique, practical, pocket-sized guide and reference provides every first year bioscience student with all they need to know to prepare reagents correctly and perform fundamental laboratory techniques. It also helps them to analyse their data and present their findings, in addition to directing the reader, via a comprehensive list of references, to relevant further reading All of the core bioscience laboratory techniques are covered including: basic calculations and the preparation of solutions; aseptic techniques; microscopy techniques; cell fractionation; spectrophotometry; chromatography of small and large molecules: electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids and data analysis. In addition the book includes clear, relevant diagrams and worked examples of calculations. In short, this is a 'must-have' for all first year bioscience students struggling to get to grips with this vitally important element of their course.
Preface ix
Glossary xi
Abbreviations xvii
1 The preparation of solutions in bioscience research 1
2 Microscopy 27
3 Spectrophotometry 51
4 Data analysis and presentation 74
5 The extraction and clarification of biological material 103
6 Electrophoresis of proteins and nucleic acids 121
7 Chromatography 147
8 Cell culture techniques 169
Suggestions for further reading 195
Index 198
Customer Reviews
Handbook / Manual
Out of Print
By: Philip Bonner and Alan Hargreaves
232 pages, illustrations
This would be a useful guide for those at the very beginning of their bioscience research career wanting in-depth information on very basic laboratory methods.
- Doody's, 19 August 2011
"Basic Bioscience Laboratory Techniques is a unique, practical, pocket-sized guide and reference provides every first year bioscience student with all they need to know to prepare reagents correctly and perform fundamental laboratory techniques."
- Laboratory Journal, 10 March 2011