A comprehensive book intended for anyone maintaining bats in captivity. Bats in Captivity is the only book of its kind, detailing the captive care of bats worldwide. This volume comprises 38 papers by 41 contributing authors. It contains a user-friendly guide to bat identification, subjects on reproductive patterns and parental care, social organization and communication, capturing and handling, releasing bats into the wild, marking bats for individual identification, torpor and hibernation, lactation and postnatal growth, simulating mother's milk and hand rearing pups of all bat groups, plus much more.
Although carrying the same title as Susan Barnard's work of 1995, this is a new publication in four volumes.
- What are Bats and Why Save Them?
- Identifying Bats
- Reproductive Patterns and Parental Care
- Social Organization and Communication
- Aging Bats
- Longevity in Bats
- Capturing and Handling
- Aspects of Rehabilitation
- Marking Bats for Individual Identification
- Methods for Marking Bats
- Torpor and Hibernation
- Lactation and Postnatal Growth
- Hand Rearing Infant Bats
Susan M. Barnard holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of the State of New York. She founded Basically Bats - Wildlife Conservation Society, Inc. in 1993, and served as Executive Director until 2008. Currently retired from her position as Assistant Curator of Herpetology at Zoo Atlanta, Ms. Barnard has authored over 25 scientific papers in refereed journals and 2 book chapters. She also co-authored books on reptilian parasites and reptilian husbandry, and has appeared in numerous magazines and on television, including the National Geographic special, Keepers of the Wild.