Language: English
Resources on the Speleology of Himachal Pradesh (India) deals with the karst and caves of the most northern Indian Union State. 128 sites – mainly karst caves but also some man-made caverns – are described in detail. 28 other caves are described from the Arki area, where the first European post-WWII caving excursion to South Asia was conducted by a team around E.A. Glennie in 1970. The majority of these caves still awaits surveying. The report has an in-depth 15-page bibliography and over 230 explanatory footnotes.
Himachal Pradesh State 1
Arki area (ex Baghal State) 1
Arki caves table 8
Akhra Patakhra–Yulang 9
Acknowledgements 48
Localities List 49
Manuscripts 51
Bibliography 52
1. Himachal Pradesh in India 5
2. Arki area & Cave distribution 7
3. Himachal Pradesh Cave distribution 66
1. Baili Sehlot 11
2. Beterh Goffar 15
3. Dunga Dora 18
4. Ghiana Cave 1 20
5. Ghiana Cave 2 20
6. Jakholi Cave 22
7. Pajyare ra Kotla 1 35
8. Pajyare ra Kotla 2 36
9. Saug Goffar 41
1. The Abode of Baba Balak Nath 13
2. Venerated stalagmite speleothems (linga) in Panchmunda Cave, Chewa 37
3. Venerated stalagmite speleothems (linga) in Triloknath Cave, Trilokpur 45