Language: English
The authors present a taxonomic study of benthic diatoms collected from coastal rocks in seven northern Mediterranean sites (Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey) in spring of 2010. An iconographic catalogue of high-quality SEM and light microscopic images, plus detailed taxonomic, nomenclatural and bibliographic information, are provided as a practical reference for further taxonomic and floristic studies on 91 plates. 120 representative diatom taxa, among them several poorly known species, selected from 23 samples, are described in terms of their abundance. The authors provide detailed information on the type material of each diatom species, a list of synonyms, a comparison of morphometric data provided in the literature (in tables) and a series of iconographic SEM-images which illustrate the taxon's morphological variability, plus an exhaustive list of references. Nomenclature, taxonomy and systematic position of the described taxa are updated. Eight taxa are described as new to science and another seven are nomenclaturally recombined. Eight taxa are new records for the Mediterranean Sea and for five taxa Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images are presented for the first time.
An exhaustive reference list and indices of taxa conclude Benthic Diatoms from Mediterranean Coasts and make it a valuable source of information for biologists working on benthic diatoms in general, not only of the Mediterranean region.
Abstract 4
I. Introduction 5
II Materials and methods 6
1. Study area 6
2. Methodology 7
III. Results 8
IV. Arrangement of the text 11
Taxonomy 13
Acknowledgements 129
Literature cited 130
Plates 205
Taxonomic index 389