Language: Multilingual with contributions in English, German, French, and Italian
Series covering biodiversity research in the Himalayas (taxonomy, phylogeny, faunistics and biogeography); including geology, geography, botany, veterinary zoology, zoology, especially entomology (which comprises more than 60% of the content).
AHRENS, D.: Additional data on taxonomy and distribution of Himalayan Sericini (Scarabaeidae)
BÖßNECK, U.: Ökologie und Verbreitung der Nacktschnecken im Nepal-Himalaya (Gastropoda)
BUCHSBAUM, U.: Agaristinae (Noctuidae) of the Himalaya
BUDHA, P. B.: Dragonfly biodiversity: Important Management Tool for Providing Safe Drinking
CHAKRABARTI, SAM.: Diversity of aphid (Insecta: Homoptera) fauna and their host plants diversity in Western and Northwest Himalaya
CHAKRABARTI, SIB.: Diversity of microbial aeroflora of Eastern Himalaya
GERSTMEIER, R.: Key to Genera of Checkered Beetles of the Himalayas
GRIMM, H.: Notizen zu Habitatwahl, Biologie und Verhalten von Lanius tephronotus tephronotus
HÁVA, J.: Descriptions of three new Dermestidae from Pakistan and India
HIEKE, F.: Die Paracelia-Gruppe der Gattung Amara (Carabidae)
HOLZSCHUH, C.: Elf neue Bockkäferarten aus dem Himalaya (Cerambycidae)
KATAEV, B.M. & WRASE, D.W.: A new species of Geodromus from Baluchistan, Pakistan (Carabidae)
KATAEV, B.M. & SCHMIDT, J.: To the knowledge of the genus Chydaeus Chaudoir, 1854 (Carabidae). II.
KEITH, D.: Trois nouvelles espèces du genre Brachyllus (Melolonthidae) / Espèces nouvelles ou méconnues de Pachydeminae asiatiques (Melolonthidae) / Le genre Panotrogus Reitter, 1902 au Népal (Melolonthidae)
KLAUSNITZER, B.: Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Scirtidae des Himalaja-Gebietes
MAGNANO, L.: Un nuovo genere della tribù Otiorhynchini della regione Himalayana (Curculionidae)
MEY, E.: Rätselhaftes Vorkommen zweier Federlingsarten (Phthiraptera) auf dem Haldenhuhn Lerwa lerwa (Galliformes)
INGRISCH, S.: Orthoptera (Insecta) fauna of the Nepal Himalayas
MÜLLER-MOTZFELD, G.: Faunenbeziehungen zwischen dem himalayischen und dem pamirischen Primärzentrum am Beispiel der Laufkäfergattung Bembidion (Carabidae)
NIISATO, T. & WEIGEL, A.: The Himalayan species of the genus Necydalis (Cerambycidae)
PACE, R.: Aleocharinae del Nepal al Naturkundemuseum di Erfurt (Staphylinidae)
REIKE, H.-P.: Corticaria jaegeri sp. n. (Insecta: Coleoptera: Latridiidae) – a new species of Corticariinae
SCHAWALLER, W.: New species, new records and new synonyms of Tenebrionidae from Nepal
SCHMIDT, J.: Die Pterostichus-Arten des Subgenus Pseudethira Sciaky, 1996 in Zentral- und West-Nepal (Carabidae)
SCHÜLKE, M.: Zur Kenntnis einiger Arten der Gattung Tachinus Gravenhorst aus dem Himalaja-Gebiet und Südwest-China (Staphylinidae)
SEHNAL, R.; FARKAČ, J. & HÄCKEL, M.: A new subspecies of Carabus viridifossulatus Fairmaire, 1887 from southern Sichuan, China (Carabidae)
SKALE, A. & JÄCH, M.A.: Description of Hydraena (s. str.) alticola sp. n., a high altitude water beetle species from Nepal (Hydraenidae)
ŠVIHLA, V.: New species of the family Cantharidae from Nepal
THAPA, T.B.: Species Richness, Endemism and Conservation of Biodiversity in Nepal Himalaya
WEIGEL, A.: Checklist and Bibliography of Longhorn Beetles from Nepal (Cerambycidae)
WRASE, D.W. & SCHMIDT, J.: A first representative of the tribe Metriini in the Palaearctic (Carabidae)