Biological control has made a major contribution to integrated pest management (IPM) in Africa, but its documentation has been scattered and often under-reported. This book provides a review of the most important studies, including not only successes, but also on-going challenges. The focus is on arthropod pests and weeds, but diseases are also covered where significant. Case studies and promising research results are presented in 24 chapters that cover biocontrol by naturally occurring agents, exotic agents or seasonal manipulation. Although particularly relevant to pest control professionals working in Africa, this book also provides a useful reference for scientists worldwide.
Historical overview of biological control in Africa; biological control of alien plant invaders in southern Africa; homopteran pests of conifers in Africa; aquatic weeds in Africa and their control; endophytic microbial biodiversity and plant nematode management in African agriculture; species of Trichoderma and Aspergillus as biological control agents against plant diseases in Africa; towards the registration of microbial insecticides in Africa - non target arthropod testing on Green Muscle, a grasshopper and locust control product; microbial control of termites in Africa; integrated pest management of banana weevil in Africa with emphasis on microbial control; the role of biological control in integrated management of Striga species in Africa; mango-infesting fruit flies in Africa - perspectives and limitations of biological approaches to their management; biological control in integrated pest management of coffee. (Part contents)