Focusing on the application of biotechnology to agricultural devlopment, this work begins with a farmer's view, assesses farmer-based and science-based technology, and then looks at the socio-political context. A range of technologies from the simple to the technologically sophisticated are considered, as are long established and widely applied technologies. The first part of the text examines rural peoples' existing biotechnology practices in the areas of animal health, bio pesticides, food processing and crop genetic resources. Part two focuses on science-based biotechnology research and assesses the potential of existing technologies and the socio-political context of formal sector research. The book presents a participatory and interactive methodology for development for biotechnologies for small scale farmers in the tropics that builds on farmers' knowledge and makes use of scientific insights. The final part sets out a model for integrating the formal and informal research and development systems.
Part 1 Indigenous biotechnology: a farmer's view; animal health; biopesticides; food processing; crop genetic resources. Part 2 Science-based biotechnology: assessing the potential; the socio-political context. Part 3 Building on farmers' practices: an integrated approach to biotechnology development.