Language: Bilingual in English and Spanish
They valley of Genal is a comarca (in Spain, a comarca is a traditional/small region) in the Serranía de Ronda (Ronda Mountain Range); the Serraníade Ronda is in the western region of the province of Málaga. The valley of Genal gets its name from the Genal river which forms its course, the river is about 60 km. In the various environments of the valley one can find a very diverse fauna. The vertebrate community present in the valley is very rich although the largest group is made up of birds, of which 139 different species have been observed. Finally, the valley of Genal serves as an observation point to watch birds during their migratory period.
Fourteen hiking routes have been marked out on the map. The flipside of the map contains altitude profiles for all 14 routes, and a table with scientific, Spanish, and English bird names and their status, phenology and recommend observation hotspots. Finally, 18 of the most characteristic species are profiled with a short description, a colour photo, and a QR code that can be scanned to access an online recording of their song.
Summary in Spanish:
El mapa incluye un pequeño texto introductorio al espacio natural y 14 senderos representativos de los distintos ambientes naturales presentes en el Valle del Genal, con sus correspondientes perfiles altitudinales y de distancia y sus características particulares según el método MIDE (Método para la Información De Excursiones).
Para todas las especies de aves observables a lo largo de los senderos se detalla de forma individualizada la fenología y el estatus. Además se muestra la fotografía y una breve descripción de las especies de aves más emblemáticas y representativas de cada uno de los medios naturales existentes en el Valle del Genal.