Language: Chinese, with English, Chinese, Tibetan, and scientific nomenclature
This book describes 353 bird species found in Baima Snow Mountain National Nature Reserve, Yunnan, China, which represents 28% of China's domestic birds. Photos of the different sexes facilitate identification and increase its usefulness in the field. In addition to the scientific name, the book also gives the English name, and names in Tibetan and transliterated Tibetan, greatly enhancing its value and usefulness for science missions.
Summary in Chinese:
本 书大部分照片出自云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区管理局职工之手,共记录鸟类353种,占国内鸟类分布的28.31%。书中每种鸟类都配有或不同季节,或不 同性别的精美的生态照片,方便了观鸟爱好者的野外识别和应用。书中除给出鸟类学名及中、英文名称以外,还给出了系统的藏文及藏文名译音(发音),大大增强 了其实用性和科普宣教的价值。