Birds of the Indian Subcontinent: A Field Guide deals with the birds of the Indian Subcontinent, excluding Afghanistan and the Chagos Archipelago. The main part of Birds of the Indian Subcontinent: A Field Guide is taken up by bird topography and complemented by 112 plates containing illustrations of 1251 species to describe how their family and species are perceived in society. This is a revised edition of A Pictorial Guide to the Birds of the Indian Subcontinent, published in 1995.
- Colour Illustrations
- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- Sálim Ali and Dillon Ripley--An Introduction
- Introduction
- Explanations and Abbreviations
- Glossary
- Bird Topography
- Family Accounts
- Species Accounts with Plates (1-112)
- Plate Index of Group and Stand-Alone Names
- Page Index of Common Names
- Page Index of Scientific Names
Ranjit Manakadan, Assistant Director of BNHS, he has been involved in projects on birds, elephants, Indian fox, blackbuck, fish and faunal diversity inventories.
J.C. Daniel, Director of BNHS from 1960-91 and is currently the Vice President of the Society. Author of a number of books and most well-known for The Book of Indian Reptiles and Amphibians (2001). Has also revised Sálim Ali's The Book of Indian Birds in 1996.
Nikhil Bhopale, Programmes Assistant, BNHS, he is an avid birdwatcher and widely travelled in sanctuaries of India.