The Neotropics are known for their sheer numbers of species in relation to tropical forests globally, and it has more than its share of the gaudy and spectacular. This compilation highlights many of the birds that have made tropical birding so thrilling. The author has always emphasized rare or difficult-to-find species: target birds that often required a knowledge of voice as an aid to their discovery. For this initial volume of neotropical birdsongs, the author has added other parameters in determining the playlist. A number of the species on this CD represent favourite moments, favourite species or families, or noteworthy vocal comparisons. Or they are just stunning birds that epitomize birding in the Middle American Neotropics. Great Curassow, Resplendent Quetzal, and Long-tailed Manakin fall into this category while also having very intriguing vocalizations. On the other hand, Rufous-browed Tyrannulet, Black-capped Pygmy-Tyrant and Ochre-breasted Antpitta represent simple sounds that birders often walk right by without realizing the significance of the source.
The production coverage is southern Mexico to Costa Rica and include a few of the fascinating rarities of Oaxaca and Guerrero in complement to the lowland jungle birds that abound in the Mayan ruins of Belize and Tikal. Costa Rican species are prevalent on the CD as this country has exerted such a powerful influence on ecotourism for North American and overseas birders alike. Orange-breasted Falcon, Tawny-chested Flycatcher, Keel-billed Motmot and Wrenthrush represent some of the more obscure and poorly known birds that are included, whereas there are tinamous, quail-doves, owls, leaftossers, antpittas, wrens, and, of course, numerous flycatchers. From the wavering tremolo of the ultra-shy Fulvous-bellied Antpitta to the haunting crepuscular cry of the normally conspicuous but ultra-cool Laughing Falcon, Birdsongs of the Northern Neotropics features a wide spectrum of the birds that make the Neotropics the most sought-after birding experience on the planet.