A photographic field guide to the hairstreaks and metalmarks of Central America, for the purpose of this books defined as the area between the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico and eastern Panama. It also includes a portion of the highlands of Oaxaca in Mexico. An in-situ photo of each species is fiven, together with the English and scientific species name, the sex and the location of where the photo was taken. Multiple images are shown for most species. Included in the back is an index and a quick index.
After being a birder for the last 25 years and traveling throughout the world, Kim Garwood became more attracted to butterflies particularly those of Mexico and South America. She retired in 1998 from her own computer company in Los Angeles and spent 4 years traveling the US, Canada, and Mexico. She settled in Mission, Texas, three years ago to be closer to Mexico and to be in the middle of the best US butterflying. Now she spends much of the year, traveling and photographing in Latin America. Fall and winter are spent in Texas butterflying and working on photographs.
Richard Lehman spent thirty years birding in South Texas, Mexico, and Central America. After retiring from a career in education he became interested in butterflies and has traveled extensively in northeastern Mexico photographing numerous species. His interest in butterfly photography has lead him back to many birding locales in Latin America. He is a member of the National Association of PhotoShop Professionals and is spending much of his time as a graphic artist and teaching courses in Adobe products and in making PowerPoint productions.