This book is the third volume of the monographic series of Butterflies of Vietnam. The current volume includes "milkweeds" (Danainae) and amathusiins which are the most distinctive and biologically and biogeographically interesting groups. The content and design of the new volume follows that of the two previous books.
The Introduction includes information on systematics of both subfamilies, the imago morphology, habits and habitats, and life-cycles. The checklist includes all taxa names found in Vietnam and has been recently revised. The main section of the monograph contains data on 32 species of Danainae and 32 species of Amathusiinae. From the total number of taxa represented (71 species and subspecies), thirteen taxa (10 species and 3 subspecies) have been described recently as new to science.
This volume includes relevant information for each species, in particular the type locality, synonyms, range, distribution and variations in Vietnam, and taxonomic notes. All species are represented in 30 colour plates and a number of types of new taxa are figured in accessible literature for the first time.
Moreover, 44 black and white figures demonstrate wing venation and genitalia structures. An additional colour plate shows some species of other groups imitating the milkweed butterflies. Eight colour photographs demonstrate some typical habitats, and the map includes 60 Vietnamese sites for material collection. The map of the Oriental region contains geographic names of localities noted in the text.
This book will be welcomed by professional biologists and amateurs alike.
Keys and descriptions
Index to scientific names
Collecting localities.