Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature and name index
The Ceratopogonidae of China volume I and II (Yu yixin et al, 2005) are the first documentary that was able to record and described all 39 genera, 1015 species of Ceratopogonidae in China (include six hundred fifty two species discovered by Chinese entomologists); this number is one tenth of the entire identified Ceratopogonidae species in the world, thus make it the most inclusive documentary of its kind.
Chapter 1.General Account
Chapter 2.Subfamily Leptoconopinae Noe
2).Leptoconops Skuse, 1889
Chapter 3.Subfamily Dasyheleinae Lenz
2).Dasyhelea Kieffer, 1911
Chapter 4.Subfamily Forcipomyiinae Lenz
2).Atrichopogon Kieffer, 1906
3).Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818
4).Lasiohelea Kieffer, 1921
Chapter 5. Subfamily Ceratopogoninae Newman: Tribe Culicoidini
1.Tribe Culicoidini
(1)Culicoides Latreille, 1809
Chapter 6.Ceratopogoninae: Ceratopogonini,Heteromyiini,Sphaeromiini and palpomyiini
Tribe Ceratopogonini
(1)Agilihelea Yu, gen.nov
(2)Allohelea Kieffer, 1917
(3)Alluaudomyia Kieffer, 1913
(4)Atyphohelea Borkent, 1998
(5)Brachypogon Kieffer, 1899
(6)Ceratopogon Meigen, 1804
(7)Chairopogon Yu, gen.nov.
(8)Downeshelea Wirth et Grogan, 1988
(9)Hypsimyia Yu, gen.nov.
(10)Monohelea Kieffer, 1917
(11)Oxyria Yu, gen.nov.
(12)Pseudostilobezzia Wirth et Ratanaworabhan, 1973
(13)Serromyia Meigen, 1818
(14)Sinhalohelea Grogan et Borkent, 1992
(15)Stilobezzia Kieffer, 1911
Tribe Heteromyiini
(1)Clinohelea Kieffer, 1917
(2)Medeobezzia Yu, 1995
(3)Nemoromyia Liu et Yu, 1991
Tribe Sphaeromiini
(1)Alloimyia Yu, gen.nov.
(2)Calyptopogon Kieffer, 1910
(3)Guihelea Yu et Qian, gen.nov.
(4)Johannsenomyia Malloch, 1915
(5)Mackerrasomyia Debenham, 1970
(6)Mallochohelea Wirth, 1962
(7)Nilobezzia Kieffer, 1921
(8)Probezzia Kieffer, 1906
(9)Sphaeromias Curtis, 1829
(10)Wannohelea Yu, gen.nov.
(11)Xenohelea Kieffer, 1917
Tribe Palpomyiini
(1)Bezzia Kieffer, 1899
(2)Palpomyia Meigen, 1818
(3)Phaenobezzia Haeselbarth, 1965
Chapter 7 Phylogeny and Zoogeography
Chapter 8 Bionomics,Harm and Control for Bloodsucking midges.