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Discusses the impact of climate change and the associated environmental and socio-economic impacts in different parts of the world. The book discusses science and philosophy behind climate change and the Kyoto Protocol and its impact on different countries and continents.
Introduction to Science, Policies and Politics: Introduction: Velma I. Grover; Historical/ Institution: Velma I. Grover; The Global Climate Change Regime: Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: Muller; Kyoto Protocol-Insignificant Impact on Global Emissions: Catherine Hagen; Climate Negotiations from Rio to Marrakesh: An Assessment: Joyeeta Gupta; Instruments and Institutions for Kyoto Protocol: The Kyoto Protocol and Desirable Institutions for Mitigation of Global Warming: Akinovu Yasumoto; Can the Kyoto Goals be achieved using Oceans as Sinks: Paul Johnston and David Santilleo; A Philosophical Interpretation of United Nations Climate Change Policy: The Idea of Social Progress and Emissions Trading: Jon Rosales; Status Report on CO2 Emissions Saving through Improved Energy Use in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration Plants: Johnke B. Human Rights: Petitioning for Adverse Impacts of Global Warming in the Inter-American Human Rights System: Donald M. Goldberg and Martin Wagner. Country Case Studies: Climate Change and Water Resources Management in Semi-Arid Southern Africa: Umoh T. Umoh et al.; Adaptation to Effects of Climate Change in Southern Africa: Umoh T. Umoh et al; Climate Change, Vulnerability, and Adaption in Bangladesh: Saleemul Huq and K. Moinuddin; Seeking the Middle Ground between More and Less: A Canadian Perspective: Heather Smith; Costa Rica and its Climate Change Policies: 5 Year after Kyoto: Anna Victoria; India and the Climate Convention: The Challenge of Sustainable Development: Joyeeta Gupta; Impact of Climate Change and Kyoto on Indonesia: Harry Surajadi; Pakistan: The Kyoto Protocol and Sustainable Development: Shaheen; Sri Lanka, It's Industry and Challenges in the Face of Climate Change: Ajith de Alwis.
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