Climatic Changes and Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa is dedicated to high-priority topics related to the impact of climate change on water resources in a water scarce region.
The subject is described and discussed in three main chapters and different case studies. The three main chapters are: Climatic changes - sources and effects on the water cycle, Impact of climate change on water resources, and Water resources and water management. These chapters are split up into further 26 sections. A total of 64 individuals from many countries have made contributions to this book. All topics in this book are complimentary and contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between global climate change, world water cycle and water resources.
A valuable and meaningful interdisciplinary mixture of topics are combined in this book and which will be of great interest to many scientists.
- Global Climate Changes-Sources and Impacts on the Water Cycle
- Impact of Climate Change on Water Resources
- Water Resources and Water Management
Author Index
Subject Index