The book offers a comprehensive review of the advances in conservation and the reintroduction of rare and endangered plants in China. It systematically discusses plant diversity, in situ and ex situ protection and plant reintroduction in China, including the reintroduction species list and orchid plant reintroduction up to November 2019. A useful reference resource for students, instructors and scientific researchers in the field of wild plant protection, botany, biodiversity protection, and natural land protection and management, the book also provides valuable insights for government departments involved in plant management.
Part 1. Plant diversity and its conservation in China
Chapter 1. An overview of China's vegetation and plant diversity
Chapter 2. The rare and endangered plants in China
Chapter 3. In situ and ex situ conservation of Chinese plants
Chapter 4. Reintroduction of rare and endangered plants in China
Part 2. Reintroduction cases of rare and endangered plants in China
Chapter 5. Reintroduction of Primulina tabacum Hance, a critically endangered Calciphilous perennial herb, in southern China
Chapter 6. Artificial propagation and reintroduction of Dayaoshania cotinifolia W.T. Wang
Chapter 7. Reintroduction of Tigridiopalma magnifica C. Chen, a critically endangered endemic plant, in southern China
Chapter 8. Reintroduction of Camellia changii Ye (Theaceae), a critically endangered plant endemic to southern China
Chapter 9. Conservation translocation of the rare and endangered tree Euryodendron excelsum in South China
Chapter 10. Conservation translocations of Manglietia longipedunculata, a critically endangered tree in South China
Chapter 11. Reintroduction of Parakmeria omeiensis Cheng, a critically endangered endemic plant, in Southwest China
Chapter 12. Reintroduction of Hopea hainanensis Merr. et Chun, a wild plant with extremely small populations, in southern China
Chapter 13. Reintroduction of Trigonobalanus doichangensis, a threatened plant species with extremely small populations
Chapter 14. Reintroduction of Craigia yunnanensis to private plots, an innovated case with help from local volunteers
Chapter 15. Reintroduction of Myricaria laxiflora (Franch.) P.Y. Zhang et Y.J. Zhang, a critically endangered shrub, in central China
Chapter 16. Reintroduction of Bretschneidera sinensis Hemsl. an endangered endemic tree
Chapter 17. Reintroduction of Paphiopedilum wardii Sumerh, an endangered terrestrial orchid in China
Chapter 18. Reintroduction and assisted colonization of Paphiopedilum spicerianum: An orchid with extremely small populations in China
Chapter 19. Orchid conservation translocation efforts in China
Chapter 20. Reintroduction of wild Cycas species in China
Prof. Dr Hai Ren received his PhD in Botany from South China Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences (now University of Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 1997. He was a senior visiting scholar at Arizona State University in 1999, and at Wageningen University & Research Center in 2001. He is currently a Professor at South China Botanical Garden (Formerly South China Institute of Botany, renamed in 2003), Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Vice President of the College of Advanced Agricultural Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests include vegetation restoration and conservation biology, and his current research focuses on forest ecosystem restoration and the reintroduction of rare and endangered plants. He has published more than 100 English (SCI) papers, authored 2 Chinese books and edited 1 English book.