In this companion volume to "Dragonfly Genera of the New World", Rosser W. Garrison, Natalia von Ellenrieder, and Jerry A. Louton provide a comprehensive, fully illustrated guide to the damselflies of North, Central, and South America. Damselflies are more diverse and harder to identify than dragonflies. This reference contains original, up-to-date keys to the 125 genera of Zygoptera in North, Central, and South America; descriptive text for each genus; distribution maps; and, highly detailed diagnostic illustrations. Each account lists all known species and generic synonyms, information on the status of classification, and references to larval descriptions. Features more than 2,500 illustrations.
Rosser W. Garrison is a senior insect biosystematist with the California Department of Food and Agriculture. Natalia von Ellenrieder is an adjunct researcher for the CONICET at the Instituto de Bio y Geociencias, Salta, Argentina. Jerry A. Louton is a museum information technology specialist with the Department of Entomology at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. The three coauthored Dragonfly Genera of the New World, also published by Johns Hopkins.
Damselfly Genera of the New World makes readily available, for specialists and amateurs alike, access to one of the most beautiful groups of insects in nature. - Edward O. Wilson"