This pocket photographic guide introduces readers to New Zealand's mushrooms and fungi, which number up to some 19,000 and include some extraordinarily diverse types. It illustrates 136 species of mushrooms and other fungi, with text describig key identification features.
Dr Geoff Ridley has led a long and distinguished career in the study of fungi. The former curator of the Mycological Herbarium at Forest Research, Rotorua, he currently holds the post of Science Manager: New Organisms at ERMA New Zealand in Wellington, and he has authored/co-authored several scientific papers on fungi.
Don Horne's remarkable photographs of fungi (as well as his shots of insects, spiders and other invertebrates) have appeared in a range of outdoors and conservation publications. He is the author of Mushrooms and Fungi of New Zealand (Reed 2000). Both Don and Geoff attend the annual Fungal Forays – multi-day field trips – that promote the study and further understanding of New Zealand mycology.