Secies of the family Phytoseiidae are of great economic importance as effective predators of the plant feeding mites and insects. For this reason, they have received global attention not only by the acarologists, entomologists, or zoologists but also by workers and researchers in plant protection, IPM and the biological control. Since Denmark and Evans' 2011 publication of Phytoseiidae of North America and Hawaii (Acari: Mesostigmata), no major, comprehensive work on the family of mites has been published. The new book by these authors describes many new genera and species, redescribes many described species and provides original illustrations of each species. In addition, the authors provide a key to the subfamilies, tribes, subtribes and genera of the Phytoseiidae of the world with an illustration of a species representing each of the world's genera to assist users of the key, making this a most valuable book that will be useful for those working with the family Phytoseiidae for decades to come.