The fourth international symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences took place in Adelaide, South Australia during the week 16-20 August 1982. Antarctic Earth Science contains a record of the centenary activities celebrating Sir Douglas Mawson and the one hundred and seventy-four papers that were presented by delegates for discussion over the five days. Sir Douglas Mawson was part of the first team to reach the magnetic South Pole, a leading geologist and scientific figure during the heroic age of of antarctic exploration. The papers presented during the symposium were divided into fifteen categories covering east and west Antarctica, marine, land and glacial geology, plate tectonics, islands, peninsulas, climatic change and Precambrian and Cenozoic era activity. The two hundred persons from sixteen countries who attended the symposium brought together a wide range of the most current expertise and research to share, of which Antarctic Earth Science provides a record.
Sir Douglas Mawson
Symposium opening ceremony
1. Precambrian East Antarctic craton
2. East Antarctica-West Antarctica boundary and the Ross Orogen, including Northern Victoria Land
3. Beacon supergroup and associated igneous rocks
4. West Antarctica
5. Scotia Arc and Antarctic Peninsula
6. Marine geology
7. Antarctic resources
8. Glacial geology and geomorphology
9. Crustal structure of Antarctica
10. Cenozoic tectonics and climatic record - onshore and offshore evidence
11. Antarctica in Gondwanaland
12. Plate tectonics
13. Antarctic meteorites
14. Sub Antarctic Islands
15. Ceneozoic igneous activity