Since the publication of A Catalogue and Atlas of the Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Ireland and A National Grid Atlas of the Irish Caddisflies (Trichoptera), further progress has been made in mapping the distribution of the Irish caddisflies. Records from the book and the subsequent papers (Addendums 1-5) were provided to the National Biodiversity Data Centre as the data set "Caddisflies (Trichoptera) of Ireland". It contains 156 species and 17,219 records. For easy consultation in a printed fonnat, the opportunity is taken here to provide up to-date summary distribution maps from this data set. The records are plotted on the Irish Grid and have been adapted from maps downloaded from the Centre’s website. The resolution is 10 km. Four important unpublished records, not yet in the data set, have been added to the relevant maps (indicated by *). Information is also provided on flight periods, habitats and recorded counties.