Language: German
Floodplain forests with their particular ecological conditions related to periodic inundations provide important habitat for a large number of adapted species. The canopy layer of these forests plays an important role as a space of retreat for many insect species during flooding events. Especially in floodplain forests, mature oaks with their large quantity of dead wood particularly in the treetops provide optimal living conditions for many invertebrate species. It is to be assumed that at least during high water periods, a temporary increase in species diversity is found in these areas. Some invertebrates have developed an entirely arboreal lifestyle staying mainly in the canopy layer of the ecosystem even outside flooding periods. This strategy was also developed by some ant species. Ants are present in most terrestrial ecosystems and usually assume important tasks of ecological significance. So they are frequently the focus of ecological research. Comparatively little research has been dedicated to treetops as a habitat. This may primarily be due to their inaccessibility. This work documents and analyses the arboreal ant fauna of selected floodplain forests in Germany and Austria. For this research project, data were sampled from three geographically and climatically separated areas along the rivers Rhine, Elbe and Danube. The aim is to show distribution patterns and ecological emplacement of several ant species in the canopies of Central European hardwood floodplain forests.
Summary in German:
Wegen der schweren Erreichbarkeit von Baumkronen ist bis heute nur wenig über arborikole Ameisen bekannt. Durch die Anwendung einer speziellen Seilklettertechnik gelang es bei den Arbeiten zu diesem Buch erstmalig, arborikole Ameisen direkt in den Baumkronen mitteleuropäischer Auen zu erforschen. Gibt es Variationen in der Artenzusammensetzung unterschiedlicher Regionen? Bestehen Verteilungsmuster bei der Besiedlung von Baumkronen? Wie ernähren sich die Tiere, und wie interagieren sie mit anderen Wirbellosen? Zu diesen Fragen fanden Untersuchungen in Auengebieten an Rhein, Elbe und Donau statt, bei denen eindrucksvolle Makroaufnahmen der Tiere entstanden, die den Leser in die Welt arborikoler Ameisen hoch oben in den Baumkronen entführen.