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Better validation of indigenous domestic animal genetic resources is becoming more important with regard to the potential of livestock for poverty alleviation and income generation. To improve indigenous breeds for sustainable income and employment generation, the methods to be employed are the same as developed in systematic breeding programs, be it for cross-breeding or selective breeding within a specific breed.
This book systematically introduces the reader to the breed improvement theory and illustrates the theory with practical examples and case studies. The book is addressed to animal science teachers, to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to decision makers in the state and central livestock departments.
Approach to Breeding Programmes for Developing Countries; Trends in Livestock Production; Introduction; Major Issues; India's Livestock Sector; Potential of Breed Improvement; Limitations to Breed Improvement; Methods for Production Improvement; Breed Conservation and Development; Breeding Programme for Large Ruminants Kept by Small Farmers; Introduction; Breeding Policy; Breeding Schemes; Breeding Plan; Production of Breeding Bulls; Introduction; Import of Bulls, Semen and Embryos; Bull Purchase; Transport of Animal; Bull Production in the Breeding area; Bull Mother Farms; Frozen Semen Production; Breeding Bulls; Deep Frozen Semen Production Station (DFSPS); Semen Collection; Semen Processing; Frozen Semen Storage; Frozen Semen Dispatch; Manpower Requirement; Management of Artificial Insemination Service; Introduction; Artificial Insemination Units; Monitoring and Control of Artificial Insemination Units; Regional Semen Supply Station; Liquid Nitrogen; Field Performance Recording; Introduction; Animal Identification; Recording Milk and Milk Constituents; Organisation of a field Performance Recording Programme; Information Management; Conformation Recording; Progeny Testing of Bulls; Introduction; Step Involved; Proven Bulls; Time Taken to Get the Sire Proof; Accuracy of the Progeny Test; Genetic and Statistics for Practical Work: A 'Hands-on Approach'; A. Quantitative Genetics; Introduction; Sources of Variation; Qualitative and Quantitative Characters; Genetic and Environmental Sources of Variation; Heritability; Estimating Heritability; Identical Twins; Genotype by Environmental Interaction; Selection; Principles of Selection; Consequences of Selection; Individual Selection; Pedigree Selection; Family Selection; Progeny Selection; Factors Affecting Selection Progress; Generation Interval; Annual Genetic Gain; Time Factor in Selection Programme; Breeding Value; Breeding Value Based on Progeny Records; Breeding Value from Individual Records; Breeding Value Based on Pedigree Information; Breeding Value Based on Half-sibs; Breeding Systems; Inbreeding; Crossbreeding; New Breed Formation; B. Statistics; Population and Sample; General; Describing a Sample; Measure of Variability; Introduction; Mean Absolute Deviation; Mean Square Deviation (Variance); Standard Deviation Co-efficient of Variation; Standard Error; Normal Distribution; Hypothesis Testing; The t-test; Analysis of Variance (ANOVA); The Chi Square Test; Regression and Correlation; Regression; Correlation; References; Index; Manual of Toolbox; Annexes
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