The book provides best estimates of carbon and nutrient fluxes in seven types of continental margins. In each type, these fluxes are reported in detail individually for 3-7 representative geographic regions, each of which is characterized by concise descriptions of the physical and biogeochemical settings. Drawn from the regional synthesis, a global synthesis is put together for carbon fluxes exchanged between continental margins as a whole and the atmosphere and between that and the open ocean.
Global syntheses on sediments and nutrients discharged to the ocean from land are also provided in the book. To guide future research on continental margin biogeochemistry, the book also elaborates on a few critical themes that emerged in recent years. One of these is the human impact on the continental margin biogeochemistry, which accentuates the need to include human perturbation of the system in future research. Thus the book represents the state-of-the-art knowledge on the subject, which will be needed for all researchers on continental margin environmental issues.
Part I. Background, Goals and Perspectives: 1. Biogeochemistry of continental margins in a global context.- Part II. Regional Syntheses: 2. Eastern Boundary Currents.- 3. Western Boundary Currents.- 4. Indian Ocean Margins.- 5. Subpolar Margins.- 6. Polar Margins.- 7. The Marginal Seas.- 8. Tropical Margins.- Part III. Arising Issues and New Approaches: 9. Examining Human Impacts on Global Biogeochemical Cycling via the Coastal Zone and Ocean Margins.- 10. Si Transformations Along the Land-Ocean-Continuum: Implications for the Global Carbon Cycle.- 11. Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Associated Nutrient Fluxes to the Coastal Ocean.- 12. Coupled Circulation-Biogeochemical Models to Estimate Carbon Flux.- Part IV. Cross Boundary Fluxes, Global Synthesis and Outlook: 13. Cross Boundary Exchanges of Carbon and Nitrogen in the Marginal Seas.- 14. Carbon-Nitrogen-Phosphorus Fluxes in the Coastal Zone: The LOICZ Approach to Global Assessment.- 15. Sediment and Carbon Accumulation on Continental Shelves.- 16. Global Synthesis.- 17. Global Change and Future Research in Continental Margins.- Appendix: A.1. Data and Information Management for the CMTT Synthesis.- A.2. Introduction to a SeaWiFS chlorophyll database and an analysis tool.- A.3. Supplementary materials.- A.4. Acronyms and Abbreviations.
KK Liu is the director of the Institute of Hydrological and Oceanic Sciences, National Central University in Taiwan, and a member of the IGBP Scientific Committee. Having conducted extensive observations in the East and South China Seas, he now also explores biogeochemical cycles in continental margins using modeling approaches. Larry Atkinson is the Samuel and Fay Slover Professor of Oceanography in the Department of Ocean, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Old Dominion University. He is a pioneer working on nutrient supplies and hydrographic variability in the southeastern United States continental shelf waters and other western boundary current systems. Renato Quinones is a Professor of biological oceanography in the Department of Oceanography and COPAS Center at the University of Concepcion. As a core member of the GLOBEC Focus 4 Working Group under IGBP, he is recognized for work on aerobic and anaerobic metabolism of marine communities and fisheries oceanography, especially in eastern boundary currents. Liana Talaue-McManus is a Scientist at the Division of Marine Affairs and Policy, University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science. She served as the chair of the Scientific Steering Committee of LOICZ Project of IGBP from 2004-2005. She is currently involved in examining human-environment interactions in island systems in the Caribbean.