Language: German
Birds of prey fascinate people since time immemorial – primarily through their impressive flight! This superb manual with approximately 800 selected photos and lifelike drawings describes in detail biology, behavior, adaptations, habitat requirements and conservation efforts. All 45 species of bird of prey that breed in the Western Palearctic are presented with up-to-date population estimates and species profiles that run up to twelve pages per species.
Summary in German:
Greifvögel faszinieren den Menschen von jeher - vor allem durch ihren eindrucksvollen Flug! Dieses großartige Handbuch mit rund 800 ausgewählten Fotos und naturgetreuen Zeichnungen beschreibt ausführlich Biologie, Verhaltensweisen, Anpassungen, Lebensraum-Ansprüche und Schutzbemühungen. Alle 45 in der Westpaläarktis als Brutvögel vorkommende Greifvögel werden mit aktuellen Bestandszahlen auf bis zu zwölf Seiten pro Art vorgestellt.
"[...] This book is the best, most up to date and most comprehensive overview of raptors in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East and it deserves a very wide readership. The authors have done an amazing job going through so much literature and summing it all up in such an easy to read but still very accurate and comprehensive way. This will be the most important book on European raptors for many years to come! Highly recommend to everyone interested in raptors!"
- Markus Jais,