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Dynamic Earth An Introduction to Physical Geology

By: Eric H Christiansen(Author), W Kenneth Hamblin(Author)
775 pages, illustrations
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett
Dynamic Earth
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  • Dynamic Earth ISBN: 9781449659844 Paperback Feb 2014 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Price: £60.99
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About this book

An up-to-date and comprehensive exploration of how Earth works New technology has permitted us to penetrate deep into the interior of our planet and effectively X-ray its internal structure. With this technology comes an increased awareness of how our planet is continually changing and a fresh awareness of how fragile it is. Designed for the introductory Physical Geology course found in Geology, Earth Science, Geography, or Physical Science departments, Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology clearly presents Earth's dynamic geologic systems with their many interdependent and interconnected components. It provides comprehensive coverage of the two major energy systems of Earth: the plate tectonic system and the hydrologic cycle. The text fulfills the needs of professors by offering current content and a striking illustration package, while exposing students to the global view of Earth and teaching them to view the world as geologists. The book is divided in four parts. Part I presents Earth's materials and how they are created by geologic systems. Part II discusses the hydrologic system by examining subsystems chapter by chapter.

Plate tectonics is the theme of Part III, with separate chapters on divergent, transform, and convergent boundaries, as well as mantle plumes-the subsystems of the tectonic system. In Part IV, the book looks back and applies the principles learned to see how Earth's resources formed and just how different Earth is when compared with other planets. The special attention to the illustrations helps students fully experience the excitement and satisfaction of visualizing and understanding geology, making Dynamic Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology a unique exploration into our ever-evolving planet.



Part 1  Earth Materials
Chapter 1  Planet Earth
Chapter 2  Geologic Systems
Chapter 3  Minerals
Chapter 4  Igneous Rocks
Chapter 5  Sedimentary Rocks
Chapter 6  Metamorphic Rocks
Chapter 7  Deformed Rocks
Chapter 8  Geologic Time

Part 2  Earth’s Hydrologic System
Chapter 9  The Climate System: Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans
Chapter 10  Weathering
Chapter 11  Slope Systems
Chapter 12  River Systems
Chapter 13  Groundwater Systems
Chapter 14  Glacier Systems
Chapter 15  Shoreline Systems
Chapter 16  Eolian Systems

Part 3  Earth’s Techtonic System
Chapter 17  Plate Tectonics
Chapter 18  Seismicity and Earth’s Interior
Chapter 19  Divergent Plate Boundaries
Chapter 20  Transform Plate Boundaries
Chapter 21  Convergent Plate Boundaries
Chapter 22  Hotspots and Mantle Plumes
Chapter 23  Tectonics and Landscapes

Part 4  Epilogue
Chapter 24  Earth’s Resources
Chapter 25  Other Planets

Customer Reviews


Eric H Christiansen received a Ph.D. in geology from Arizona State University, after studying at Brown University, Brigham Young University, and the College of Southern Idaho. The volcanic plains of southern Idaho, the vastness of the desert sky, and the first steps of astronauts on the Moon inspired him to become a geologist. First at the University of Iowa and later at Brigham Young University, Eric teaches courses in physical geology, field geology, geochemistry, igneous petrology, volcanology, ore deposits, and planetary geology. He is the author of many scientific papers on the volcanic evolution of the western United States (especially large supervolcanoes). Together with students and colleagues, his research has also extended to other planets where the volcanoes of Io, the Moon, and Mars, and the sand dunes and mountains of Titan were subjects of investigation. In addition to his research he has written textbooks on physical geology, igneous petrology, and planetary science. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the National Park Service, the US Geological Survey, and NASA. He belongs to the American Geophysical Union, the Geochemical Society, and a fellow of the Geological Society of America where he acts as Chair of the Division of Mineralogy, Geochemistry, Petrology and Volcanology. Eric lives at the foot of the fault-bounded, actively rising, Wasatch Range where the mountains and the ever changing seasons are inspirations.

W. Kenneth Hamblin earned his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan, and throughout his distinguished career he taught at the University of Kansas, the University of Georgia, and Brigham Young University. Ken was the author of numerous textbooks, scientific articles and has been active in various scientific societies. Thousands of students have been introduced to the fascinating worlds of geology through his textbooks and laboratory manuals. The style and development of ideas in his books has been influential in shaping the way that introductory geology was taught to a generation of students. He loved photography, especially from an airplane and many of the oblique aerial photographs are his. He had an eye for capturing a photo that was not just pretty, but could illustrate fundamental geologic principles—and he visited all seven continents in his efforts. His focus was on the fundamental features of the landscape, the rock sequence, their structure, and the geologic history these features record. He photographed for geologic information, not simply for aesthetic beauty, although many of his photos are beautiful. In addition to his teaching and research, he participated in geologic studies in the Great Rift Valleys of East Africa, the diamond fields of West Africa, the Alps, Siberia, and the Canadian Arctic. He was a guest lecturer at various universities in South Africa, Switzerland, and France. Dr. Hamblin spent much of his career studying the tectonic geomorphology of the Colorado Plateau; one of his passions in life was to understand and capture the beauty of the landscapes of the Grand Canyon. His other books include Beyond the Visible Landscape: Aerial Panoramas of Utah’s Geology, and Anatomy of the Grand Canyon: Panoramas of the Canyon's Geology. He was devoted to his family and to his wife, Sally, who appears in several of the photographs in the book and helped with many aspects of Ken’s work as an author, scientist, and photographer.

Although Ken died a few years ago, his contribution to the ideas, words, and photographs in this new book are honored by his inclusion as an author. It memorializes his inspiration of others, his keen eye, sharp wit, and vast insight.

By: Eric H Christiansen(Author), W Kenneth Hamblin(Author)
775 pages, illustrations
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett
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