Soil represents the oldest and most used building material, yet up to now the subject of earthen structures has not been fully addressed. This book describes the principles of soil as construction material including its treatment using geosynthetics and stabilization. Earth structures differ significantly from other building materials, which brings more uncertainty and risk.
Following an introduction reviewing the principles of limit states according to Eurocode 7, the book concentrates on earth structures of transport, water and environmental projects. Chapters devoted to transport projects covers in detail the limit states of stability and deformation. The section on water engineering prioritizes the limit state of internal erosion. The section on environmental structures describes new phenomena where part of the structure is created from non standard materials, usually susceptible to internal collapse, double porosity, unsaturation, etc. It also concentrates on protection of the surrounding area from contamination.
The book focuses on the principles, logic of processes, understanding of the most important problems, so that all participants in the construction project can build earth structures more safely and economically.
1. Introduction ? specification of earth structure design.- 2. Soil as a construction material.- 3. Geosynthetics in earth structure.- 4. Soil improvement.- 5. Limit states for earth structures.- 6. Earth structures in transport engineering.- 7. Earth structures in water engineering.- 8. Earth structures in environmental engineering.- 9. Conclusion.- 10. Literature.