This book looks afresh, from a philosophical perspective, on the role economic theory plays in present-day ecological policy. It starts from fundamental questions concerning the nature of the problem of sustainability, of politics, and of economic science. It confronts the results of this investigation with the theoretical work of two prominent present-day economists. This book is written at a high academic level. It will be of interest to environmentalists, environmental economists, and for policy people charged with ecological problems.
1. Economics and Ecological Policy. 2. The Economic and the Political Sphere. 3. The Institutional and Ecological Dimension of an Economy. 4. Four Norms for a Politically Successful Economics. 5. A Reconstruction of Pearce's Economics. 6. The nature of Pearce's Economics. 7. A reconstruction of Bromley's Economics. 8. The Nature of Bromley's Economics. 9. Conclusions. References.