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Focuses specifically on the interactions between the environment and developmental mechanisms with particular emphasis given to the consequences for animal populations.
Ch 1. THE NATURE OF ANIMAL DEVELOPMENTAL ECOLOGY, D. Atkinson and M. Thorndyke. Introduction. Types of developmental response to the environment. Proximate mechanisms in developmental ecology. Adaptive significance of developmental responses. Integrating the 'how' and 'why' - synergy from synthesis. Ch 2. MOLECULAR ECOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF MARINE INVERTEBRATE LARVAE, A.D. Rogers. Introduction. Biochemical methods for larval identification. Molecular methods. Alternative methods for identifying marine larvae. Conclusions. Ch 3. HORMONAL REGULATION OF REPRODUCTIVE DEVELOPMENT IN CRUSTACEANS, G. Wainwright and H.H. Rees. Introduction. Effects of temperature and photoperiod. The eyestalk. Moulting hormones. Juvenile hormones. Ch 4. REARING LOBSTERS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES. EFFECTS ON MUSCLE PHENOTYPE AND MOLECULAR EXPRESSION, J.M. Holmes, A. Rubio, D. Lewis, D.M. Neil and A.J. El Haj. Introduction. Muscles and moulting. Temperature effects on lobster growth, muscle phenotype and protein expression. Conclusion. References. Ch 5. IMPACT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION OF MUSCLE IN HERRING LARVAE, I.A. Johnston, G.K. Temple and V.L.A. Vieira. Introduction. Larval morphology. Swimming behaviour and muscle fibre types. Influence of rearing temperature on muscle phenotype. Post-embryonic muscle growth characteristics. Embryonic temperature and larval phenotype. Muscle growth in a natural population of herring at sea. Conclusions. Ch 6. LIPID DIETARY EFFECTS ON ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS TOLERANCE, J.A. Logue. Essential fatty acids in the marine system. The biological role of LC-PUFA. Essential fatty acids and nrevous system development. Mechanisms of dietary-induced stress resistance. Larval diet and programming of stress phenotype. Ecological relevance of dietary lipid-determined stress phenotype. Ch 7. INFLUENCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS ON THE ONTOGENY OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM IN TURBOT, C. Low, I. Taylor, W. Melvin, M.F. Tatner, T.H. Birkbeck and C. Secombes. Introduction. Ontogeny of the lymphoid organs. Non-specific differences. Specific defences. Ch 8. DEVELOPMENTAL ECOLOGY OF IMMUNITY IN CRUSTACEANS, V.J. Smith, J.R.S. Chisolm and J.H. Brown. Introduction. Immunity in crustaceans. Environmental and developmental aspects of immunity in crustaceans. Markers of immune capability in crustaceans. Experimental approaches. Antibacterial peptides. Haemopoiesis. Developmental exology of antibacterial defence in crustaceans. Methods for assessing larvae and post-larvae. Future directions. Summary and conclusions. Ch 9. CONTAMINANT-MEDIATED PRO-/ANTIOXIDANT PROCESSES AND OXIDATIVE DAMAGE IN EARLY LIFE STAGES OF FISH, D.R. Livingstone, S.C.M. O'Hara, F. Frettsome and J. Rundle. Introduction. Pro-oxidant and antioxidant processes in biological systems, including adult fish. Pro-oxidant and antioxidant processes in ear
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