Language: English
Plants have been used by man for a variety of purposes. The use of medicinal plants in maintaining the health of animals and human beings has been recognised since the Vedic period. The importance of drug resources has also been recognised throughout the world. The Himalayas, owing to their complex topography and variety of climate has blessed humanity with a rich heritage of medicinal plants.
Ethnoveterinary Plants of Central Himalaya present an account of folk-medicinal plants used in animal health care. It lists 409 ethnoveterinary plants species arranged in alphabetical order and providing information on their Latin names, family, vernacular name(s), a brief description, flowering and fruiting period, habitat, distribution and plant(s) and plant part(s) thereof used to cure animal diseases or disorders along with the source of information. An analysis ofd ata has also been provided to make the treatments more comprehensive and complex.
The description is supported by 276 colour photographs. In addition to this, the book contains lists of traditional veterinary healers of the Central Himalayas and a glossary of common medical term(s). To facilitate consultation, indices are also provided to Latin names, family names and vernacular names.
It is hoped that book will be helpful to stimulate research on medicinal plants, prevent patenting of folk medicinal and aromatic plants, invention/development of new ethnoveterinary medicines, and sustainable use of medicinal plants of the "Herbal State" (Uttarakhand) of India. It is also hoped that the present volume will be of immense use to researchers, teachers, veterinary scientists and pharmacologists engaged in animal health care programme.