Language: Contributions in English, French, and German, each with trilingual abstracts in English, French, and German
This volume contains three contributions:
1. Die Fauna der Berlé-Quarzite in Luxemburg und West-Eifel
As a part of the research project "Paleontology of the Lower Devonian in Luxembourg" of the Musée National d´histoire naturelle Luxembourg the present paper deals with the Berlé-Quartzites (lowermost Upper Emsian). A large number of new finds permit a fundamental revision of the paleontological inventary of the Berlé-Quartzites. In the course of this study approximately 1400 objects were evaluated. In addition to historical, sedimentological and paleogeographical aspects a discussion of the fauna stands in the foreground of this contribution. As a main result, it could be shown that about one third of all recorded species appear for the first time with the onset of the Upper Emsian. The following taxa are proposed as new Amlerella n. gen., Modiomorpha eisleka n. sp., Orthonota faberi n. sp. and Nuculites ellipticus quarciticus n. ssp.
2. New hyostragulids, Tabulata incertae sedis from the Wiltz-beds, Upper Emsian of Western Eifel (Germany)
The very rare hyostragulids from the Upper Emsian of the Eifel (Wiltz-beds) are described for the first time and two new taxa are erected, Marekostragulum grafi n. sp. and Parostragulum problematicum n. gen. n. sp. In the latter taxon, the development of wedge-like cavities between the basal plate of the encrusting coral and the substrate to which it was attached is suspected to explain the peculiar morphology of the proximal side. This hypothesis is supported by the study of the modalities of fossilization of some hyostragulids from the Massif Armoricain and Bohemia. The paleogeographic distribution of the hyostragulids in South Laurussia is somewhat expanded by the new occurrences but they appear more diversified and show a certain endemic character.
3. Pleurodictyformes (Cnidaria, Tabulata) des Couches de Wiltz, Emsien supérieur, de l'Eifel occidental (Luxembourg, Allemagne)
A rich fauna of Pleurodictyum-like corals is described from the Wiltz Beds (Lower to Middle Upper Emsian). It consists of three species of Pleurodictyum: P. n. sp.? cf. giganteum Kayser, P. goldfussi n. sp., P. pruemensis n. sp. Two others Micheliniidae are recorded: Petridictyum sp. e.g. erbslochensis Plusquellec & Jahnke, 2007 nom. nud. and Kerforneidictyum cf. oeslingensis Plusquellec & Franke, 2010, as well as a Cleistoporidae: Cleistodictyum sp. cf. C. porosum Plusquellec, 1973. The fauna shows a clear renewal of the Pleurodictyum-like corals which are either represented by new species or by forms derived from the Lower Emsian ones. A relationship with the Daleje-Cancellata Event (DCE) is suggested.