This is the first of five volumes on the lichens, found as incrustations on bark, rock and soil in virtually all habitats. These frequently overlooked plants are often the first colonisers of bare areas, but are also found in profusion in mature communities.
Species of lichens in this volume occur in alpine to subalpine regions (e.g., some Psoroma spp.), on leaves, bark of rainforest trees or on bark of mangroves (e.g., some Coccocarpia spp.), in dry sclerophyll forests (e.g., some Hypogymnia spp), or even on anthills or termite mounds (Thysanothecium hookeri).
Volume 54 contains the introductory chapters and the first part of the Lecanorales. The introductory chapters provide a comprehensive introduction to Lichen structure, chemistry, ecology, history and classification, while the descriptive section contains a key to all the genera of the Australian lichens, and keys and descriptions of the first 9 families of the Lecanorales (to species level).
Volumes 55 and 56 will contain the remainder of the Lecanorales.
This volume covers 9 families, 28 genera and 230 species. 14 new taxa are described, as well as many new combinations and lectotypifications.