Language: English with bilingual summary in English and Spanish
This volume covers the following families:
The Ecuadorian Ophioglossaceae are revised. Three genera and 8 species are included in the treatment, Botrychium with three species, Ophioglossum with four species, and Cheiroglossa with one species. Descriptions, keys, specimen citations, and illustrations are provided for the species. Ophioglossum Holm-Nielsenii B. Øllg. is described as new to science.
The Ecuadorian species of Marattiaceae are revised. Two genera are included, Marattia (1 sp.) and Danaea (18 spp.). Eight new species are described: Danaea acuminata, D. bicolor, D. bipinnata, D. erecta, D. falcata; D. imbricata, D. latipinna and D. longicaudata. Keys, descriptions, specimen citations, and illustrations are provided for all species.
The Ecuadorian Osmundaceae are revised. One genus and two species are recognized. Descriptions, specimen citations, and illustrations are provided.
The Ecuadorian Plagiogyriaceae are revised. One genus with one species is recognized. Descriptions, specimen citations, and an illustration are provided.
The Ecuadorian Schizaeaceae are revised. Four genera and 16 species are included in the treatment. Anemia with 6 documented species and 3 expected; Lygodium with 3 species, Schizaea with 3 species, and Actinostachys with one species expected. The 4 expected species are indicated in the literature for Ecuador, but documentation for these was unavailable. Descriptions, specimen citations, and illustrations are provided for the species.
The Ecuadorian species of the Gleicheniaceae are revised. Four genera are recognized, Diplopterygium (1 sp.), Sticherus (17 spp.), Dicranopteris (1 sp.), and Gleichenella (1 sp.). Three species are described as new: Sticherus arachnoideus Østergaard & B. Øllgaard, Sticherus aurantiacus Østergaard & B. Øllgaard, and Sticherus brevitomentosus Østergaard & B. Øllgaard. One new combination is made: Sticherus melanoblastus (Alston) Østergaard & B. Øllgaard. Keys, descriptions, specimen citations, and illustrations are provided for all species.