Detailed photographic and descriptive identifications of some 731 plant species that can be found in the Patagonian Andes and adjacent steppe, with a particular emphasis on those plants found in the alpine zone. The main focus is on smaller vascular plants inhabiting the eastern slopes of the Andes, but also included are a broad range of plants from the western part of the steppe and a representative selection of trees and shrubs. Few grasses, sedges or rushes are included and no introduced plants. Flowers of the Patagonian Mountains contains a comprehensive glossary, bibliography and index.
This a welcome addition to the limited body of published work in English on the diverse plant life of this area. As the authors state in their introduction, 'For plant enthusiasts visiting this area, identification has been a challenge and all too often incorrect names have been used. This is not entirely surprising because recognition has depended very largely on the rarely available Flora Patagonica, consisting of 8 substantial volumes written in Spanish and not easily transported.'
" ..a thoroughly researched botanical field guide based on a huge amount of experience in the field by the authors. Each photograph is accompanied by accurate botanical descriptions and, importantly, by accurate and up-to-date scientific names for each species."
- Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS, VMH, from the foreword