Written by two of the UK's most well-known and respected experts in the beekeeping community, Get Started in Urban Beekeeping is the definitive, and most authoritative, guide to keeping bees in a city environment. Straightforward, up-to-date, and systematically organized, this Get Started in Urban Beekeeping covers everything you might need, whether you're already an urban beekeeper or just starting out. It gives practical and clear information on the essentials that all apiarists need (whether in or out of the city), while covering in detail the particular requirements of urban bees.
Specifically designed to be interactive, and easy to use, this at a glance title Get Started in Urban Beekeeping also features write-in checklists, interactive boxes in which you can record key information and dates, and a calendar that tells you what to do when and reminds you to carry out regular beekeeping tasks.
Adrian Waring, NDB, has been a beekeeper since September 1961 and keeps around 40 colonies. He was until recently General Secretary of the British Beekeepers' Association, and is County Bee Instructor for Northamptonshire. He lectures widely on the subject of bees to audiences of all ages.
Claire Waring has been a beekeeper for 25 years and is Editor of Bee Craft magazine. She is a former General Secretary of the British Beekeepers' Association, and the author or co-author of several books on beekeeping.